What it does

This is a chrome extention to access and upload AWS S3 files.

Why we need one more S3 file access plugin


Does this support S3 Region Specific Endpoints?

Yes, It does. In fact that’s the feature compelled me to create it.

Can I download from this?

Yes, all links are presigned downloadable links. Works for 15mins max.

Can I Upload file from this?


Can I Delete a file from this?


Can I Delete a folder from this?

Yes. But there is no direct button. If you delete all the files from a folder AWS S3 automatically deletes that folder.

I need more help?

If you think you have found a bug please open a issue here. If you have an enhancement request please feel free to add it. I am always open to suggestions. If you are willing to open a Pull Request. Drop me a line.